November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

October 10, 2019

It’s hard to believe November is here again, 2019 has flown by. With November comes colorful leaves, and a time to be thankful. November is also National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan made this designation to raise awareness regarding memory loss. Since then, Reagan was also diagnosed with the disease. However in the 1980’s, fewer than 2 million Americans had Alzheimer's. Today, the number of people with the disease has skyrocketed to nearly 5.4 million.

What is Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer's disease (AD), also referred to simply as Alzheimer's, is a chronic neurodegenerative disease. It usually starts slowly and gradually worsens over time, dismantling memory and other vital mental functions. Currently, it is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. This number is in part due to advancements in technology, as well as doctors being able to effectively diagnose cases.

Unfortunately, only 16% of seniors regularly receive scheduled cognitive assessments during health check ups. Between 2000 and 2017 deaths from heart disease decreased 9% while death from Alzheimer’s increased 145%.

While Alzheimer’s may be the most common form of dementia, there are ways to detect, fight and stave off the effects. Brain Initiative’s mission is to use technology and neurological research to improved overall brain health. NEURO Academy and The NERUO Plan Appwere created to provide you with the tools to transcend bad genes and achieve optimal brain longevity.

How to detect the signs?

There are multiple variables that you can watch for that will aid in early detection. Early detection can result in a higher quality of life along with greater options when it comes to treatment. Be aware if you or a loved one begins to show signs of:

Memory loss, like having a hard time recalling important dates or events. Take notice if you find yourself asking repetitive questions, and have more than usual difficulty with numbers.

Difficulty completing familiar tasks. For example, focusing on your daily route to get home, or finding menial tasks require critical thought.

Difficulty determining time or place, like forgetting where you are or how you got there.

Vision loss; this includes loss of depth perception and deciphering colors.

Struggling to find the right words. Vocabulary, may become narrow and familiar objects can become difficult to name.

Misplacing items. More than they typical ‘where-are-my-keys’ as you head out the door, but finding items in unusual places. People notice increased difficulty retracing their steps.

Changes in decision making habits. Many experience changes in their judgement, money and hygiene are often affected.

Withdrawing from work and social events. There can be changes in the overall ability to hold or follow a conversation. Many choose to disengage from social events or hobbies.

Experiencing personality and mood changes. Often there are signs of extreme swings in mood, and people can easily becoming upset.

If you notice any of these signs, schedule an appointment with your doctor. The most reliable way to know is to ask.

How can I combat memory loss?

There is no cure or cut and dry way to prevent this disease. However, the symptoms can sometimes be treated with medications or other processes that can slow down its progression.

Neuroscientists Dean and Ayesha Sherzai have found that implementing a combination of multiple lifestyle factors can combat the effects. Actively monitor your Nutrition, Exercise, Unwinding, Restoring, and Optimizing your brain, can battle the effects of this degenerative disease. Implementing a plant-based diet, getting regular exercise, taking the time to unwind and monitor your own stress levels is only half the battle. Restorative sleep is vital to brain health while optimizing cognitive capacity and can improve your memory. All of these efforts can help you take control of your brain health.


As we honor our loved ones this November, we would like to supply you with they best offense. A better understanding of the disease can prepare you for detection, and empower your daily life. Taking steps to improve overall brain health doesn’t have to revolve around Alzheimer's. November is traditionally a time to reflect and be thankful. This year take time to be with your loved ones and be thankful for a healthy mind.

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